KMarkdownWebView 0.3.0

KMarkdownWebView 0.3.0 has been released.

Example: KMarkdownWebView KParts plugin used by the KTextEditor Document Preview plugin used in KDevelop

The KMarkdownWebView software is for the rendered display of Markdown documents, using web technologies (native wrapper around a webpage with a JavaScript library which creates HTML from the plain text handed in).
The software contains

  • a KParts plugin for rendered display of Markdown files, which enables KParts-using applications (like the archiving tool Ark or the file manager Krusader) to show Markdown files in the target format.
  • a Markdown file KIO thumbnail generator plugin, which allows KIO-powered file managers & dialogs to show thumbnails and previews of files in Markdown format in the target format (currently only available when building against QtWebKit)

The KMarkdownWebView KParts plugin is also prepared for best experience with the KTextEditor Document Preview plugin for KTextEditor-based applications like the editor Kate and IDE KDevelop.

KMarkdownWebView can be built both with QtWebEngine (preferred by the build system) and QtWebKit. Pass -DUSE_QTWEBKIT=TRUE to CMake to enforce the use of QtWebKit.

Changes since 0.2.0

  • New feature in KParts plugin: text search
  • Fix: Unbreak navigation to local anchors in QWebKit variant

Download sources

Download from:

sha256: 8b58c85c64641ba2194db1741ed5cc65504b18ced89728b09c6bfd090da847e4 kmarkdownwebview-0.3.0.tar.xz

Signed with my new PGP key
E191 FD5B E6F4 6870 F09E 82B2 024E 7FB4 3D01 5474
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

2 thoughts on “KMarkdownWebView 0.3.0

  1. Not by me, no personal itch to scratch 🙂

    Also not sure how .org files should be best handled, so if they should/could get the same quick webtech-based hack (with the conversion done by JavaScript in a webpage) as used by KMarkdownWebView, or if there are “normal” C/C++/Rust libs to parse those files which could be used to fill a QTextDocument object for display with a less expensive QTextView.

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