Alles Gute, KDE!

Cake for Konqui?

Returned from hiking and just had a look for emails, when I noticed the cake on Konqui’s symbol. Oh, wasn’t this the symbol of the birthday notifier plugin of the contacts framework?

So it’s party time!

Of course, it is πŸ˜‰

So happy birthday to you, KDE!

And even more happy and exciting times to come!

PHP for local applications, C++ for web ones…

Yesterday was a perfect day to go for some hiking or doing a bike tour, as the sun was shining in a pretty cloudless sky the whole day, other than the rainy, grey days before. And many people did, instead of visiting us at the Linux-Info-Tag Dresden.

Still at the KDE booth Alexander Neundorf and me were busy all the time, answering rather educated questions (no “I have a problem with my Linux 10 and the modem”, puh). Most asked though: When will KDE 4 be there…

We were helped by Bernhard Schiffner, a local KDE API user, who also showed how to do real time and really synchronized sound generation and mixing using jack and ALSA. Hey, so it can work…

Tobias König and Josef Spillner, your favourite developers from Dresden, instead were pretty occupied by running the whole event, so they never had a chance to show up at the booth. But that did Thomas Mönicke, who is developing… yes, PHP bindings for Qt/KDE. Well, why not. At the same time others like Tommi Maekitalo present Tntnet, a web application server for C++. Things are mixing.

Join us at Linux-Info-Tag Dresden on Oct. 8th

So aKademy is over, thanks once more to Marcus, Tink, and everybody else who organized it! Well done. πŸ™‚ (The only thing I hope for 2007 is a better hostel and a 24/7 hacking area.) The aKademy cold is still with me, but may now get it’s final struck thanks to another application of Korean tea (thanks Cho Sung-Jae?).

Now it’s promotion time again. On Sunday, Oct. 8th, the population of Dresden and whole Saxony is again targetted by the Linux-Info-Tag Dresden. Alexander Neundorf, on his quest to change the world of buildsystems, will give a talk about Cmake and then help me at the KDE booth.

If you are around, come over and join us there!

Linux-Info-Tag Dresden