First success in Calligra’s port to own Qt3-fork Cat

((Just for the record: this post was valid only on the day it got posted.))

A few weeks ago the Calligra developers started to look into the port to Qt5 and the new KDE Frameworks 5. But it soon became obvious that this new world is just a mess, with lots of dependencies. Just look at the latest draft of the buildsystem for all the stuff that is now needed:

find_package(KF5 5.7.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Archive Codecs Config CoreAddons
GuiAddons I18n ItemModels ItemViews
WidgetsAddons ThreadWeaver
Completion IconThemes Sonnet
XmlGui Kross Wallet
Emoticons ConfigWidgets KDELibs4Support

find_package(Qt5 5.2.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets Xml PrintSupport Script Svg Test Concurrent)
find_package(Qt5 5.2.0 COMPONENTS WebKit WebKitWidgets DBus Declarative X11Extras)

This must be the influence of all the new web technologies. As the Calligra developers see the good old desktop based computers as their main target target it was soon decided to go back to the old roots: a fork of Qt3 was created, named Cat, which will be optimized for Calligra.

And the work has gone amazingly quickly so far. Last night it was the first time possible to start the ported Stage and Words applications:



So look out for a new fast and slim Cat-based Calligra suite being soon available to assist your productivity and creativity!

6 thoughts on “First success in Calligra’s port to own Qt3-fork Cat

  1. It’s already looking better than the last version: Microsoft PowerPoint 2013! Good job guys and thanks for open sourcing your program.

  2. Since I have troubles keeping up with the fast movement of Qt and KDE, I’d certainly like getting back to my roots.

    Not 🙂 .. nice try :D.

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