Okteta Qt5/KF5-port: now free of kde4support

Racing close to Kate/KTextEditor on the way to Qt5/KF5 fields , the port of Okteta to Qt5/KF5 now crossed the lane and moved out of “KDE4” terrain as well, by no longer depending on kde4support.
Of course also with zero compiler warnings during build (with build.kde.org settings) and all existing tests succeeding (to follow the environment-friendly standards set by Kate’s developers πŸ˜‰ ), as can be now also nicely seen on Okteta’s framework builds on build.kde.org (Thanks to the ever-awesome Ben for settings things up).

As you might remember, Alexander started the port last summer and has ever since been in the feedback cycle of KF5 and Okteta as well as other KF5 porting work (Note that the Qt5/KF5 port of Okteta has meanwhile moved to a branch named
frameworks, for consistency with the other repos).

Shifting priorities I finally managed to join his efforts (jumping on the moving train, eh), just right in time to “steal” him the milestone commit “Remove KDE4Support, no longer needed”, pardon Alex πŸ˜‰ , at least crediting you here.

So what is up next? Of course giving lots of feedback to the KDE Frameworks 5, as there is quite some work left to do. From simple things like incomplete CamelCase forwarding headers to platform integration issues, e.g. the filedialog ignoring the QFileDialog::FileMode set and also blocking user input after cancelling or QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont) not delivering a font with fixed width.
And then thinking about adding the Okteta widgets libraries to KDE Frameworks 5. The KHexEdit Interfaces were not integrated into KF5, because the original reason for having them instead of proper libs in kdelibs was to not bloat kdelibs for just a few possible users of a hex edit widget. That reason is gone with KF5. Just, I am not yet sure about the API, and KF5 would require a stable one. So in case you are interested in Qt5/KF5 hex edit widgets, ping me and tell me your requirements (find my email address in Okteta’s file headers or the About dialog).
More, my playground project Kasten finally needs to get pushed forward and possibly soon into a repo of its own. More core/UI splitting, QML variants etc are now to do, the core/widget splitting in KF5 help here a lot. Then proper async behaviour and more. Long TODO list there.
And from Qt5/KF5 terrain besides the obvious usual target OSes also Sailfish OS, even Ubuntu Touch can be seen on the horizon, so program variants for those might be interesting. And whatever other platform can be reached from there. (Yes, you just do not yet know you might need a hex editor there πŸ˜› )
So much for the current dreams πŸ˜‰

The roadmap draft sees as first Qt5/KF5-based release of Okteta the version 0.14 (released “when it is ready”).
Means, there will be another, final Qt4/kdelibs4-based version of Okteta before, 0.13, to be released as part of KDE Apps 4.13 this summer, possibly having 1-2 small features added.

Lots to do. But by using KDevelop everything seems easy possible πŸ™‚

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